nChain CEO Departs Accusing Dr. Craig Wright of Fraud

Fibo Quantum

Christen Ager-Hanssen, the Group CEO of blockchain technology company nChain, has announced his resignation, effective immediately. Ager-Hanssen took to social media on September 30, 2023, to detail the reasons behind his departure, highlighting a series of serious concerns he reported to the nChain board. Among these, he alleged a conspiracy to defraud nChain shareholders orchestrated by a significant shareholder and raised concerns about the ultimate beneficiary shareholder and the real individuals behind DW Discovery fund registered in Cayman. The former CEO also mentioned that the chairman had been taking instructions from shadow directors, which he found unacceptable.

Evidence against Dr. Craig Wright

A notable part of Ager-Hanssen’s revelation was his assertion that he had discovered compelling evidence against Dr. Craig Wright, a controversial figure in the blockchain community who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin. Ager-Hanssen stated that the evidence he found suggests Wright manipulated documents to deceive courts about his identity as Satoshi. This led Ager-Hanssen to believe that Wright is not Satoshi and is likely to lose his ongoing legal battles. He expressed regret for not having recognized these issues earlier, referring to Wright as “#Faketoshi” in his tweets.

Reactions from the Crypto Community

Ager-Hanssen’s disclosure generated a significant reaction from the cryptocurrency community. Several individuals, including Ray Youssef and Rahul Sood, supported his decision to come forward with the information. Others inquired about his past support for Wright and what changed his perspective. Ager-Hanssen acknowledged that he was misled into believing that Wright was part of the group that created Bitcoin.

A Look Back at Algorand

Some commentators also touched on Ager-Hanssen’s past involvement with Algorand, suggesting that he should have stayed with the project, regarded by some as superior blockchain technology. Ager-Hanssen admitted his mistake and expressed openness to exploring scalable technologies moving forward. The discussions also delved into the broader implications of the former CEO’s allegations on the Bitcoin SV (BSV) community, which largely rallied around Wright’s claims in the past.

Future Endeavors

Although the immediate future remains uncertain for Ager-Hanssen, he expressed gratitude for the support received and hinted at his willingness to explore other opportunities in the blockchain space. The narrative underscores a significant event in the ongoing saga surrounding the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto and adds another layer to the controversies enveloping nChain and Dr. Craig Wright.

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