Monero Observer – Monero Observer Artistic Saturday Top 5

Fibo Quantum

20 Jan 2024


Previous Artistic Saturday weekly reports can be found in the [art] section.

5 – ‘Surveillance vs liberty’ graphic (by MarilynMonero21)

4 – ‘XMR developer profile’ meme (by Anonymous)

'XMR developer profile' meme

3 – ‘Lend me your era’ artwork (by GreatArtReset)

'Lend me your era' artwork

2 – ‘Gnu is back’ illustration (by gnuteardrops)

'Gnu is back ' illustration

1 – ‘We don’t change the message’ artwork (by gnuteardrops)

'We don't change the message' artwork

Let me know if you enjoyed this edition and send me your art suggestions @/about.


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