Monero Observer – Monero Observer Artistic Saturday Top 5

Fibo Quantum

14 Oct 2023


Previous Artistic Saturday weekly reports can be found in the [art] section.

5 – ‘Privacy vs traceability’ meme (by @newworldvision_)

4 – ‘Researching CBDC’ meme (by @tusker)

'Researching CBDC' meme

3 – ‘Live free or die’ art (by @rottenwheel)

'Live free or die' art

2 – ‘No laws’ illustration (by @solomonyisrae1)

'No laws' illustration

1 – ‘Balanced portfolio’ comic (by @rottenwheel)

'Balanced portfolio' comic

Let me know if you enjoyed this edition and send me your art suggestions @/about.

Notes: the most active artist in our community (gnuteardrops/ is currently ‘MIA’, so I might be forced to use artwork that’s older than a week in future issues.


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